In the case that you have been collecting Workers’ Compensation but have been told to report back to work before you have fully recovered, you may be left in a difficult position of still not being able to return to work while simultaneously being unable to collect your compensation benefits.
In this case, you can file to receive Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits, which grant you two-thirds of your weekly wages. You are entitled to this compensation until you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) as stated by a physician. This helps protect you and ensure that you have a liveable amount of wages coming in until you are physically able to return to work.
If you’re already facing financial trouble, you may be hesitant about moving forward with legal proceedings. No worries; you will not receive a single bill for our services until after we reach a settlement for you. This is how confident we are that we can help you receive the money that you need and deserve. Give us a call today to learn your options for filing a Temporary Total Disability claim.